Online. Online 3807 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard. Community Presbyterian Church. O. 12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Big Book, Online Meeting, Open. The Meeting Guide Mobile App provides meeting information from A. 1249 Vine Street. Those who accept they have a drinking problem and show a desire to overcome it are welcomed warmly at AA meetings. To select only in-person or online meetings, use the "Any Type" filter button - this also works to find women's, men's LGBTQ, Big Book meetings, etc. Quality Of Life Bk Stdy. Friday Night Book Study. Address. 122 East 37th Street. By AZCoachJ. Find more AA meetings in La Pine, OR review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types. 7:00 am. La Vina 27th Anniversary - ON ZOOM too! 21 Jul. Search for AA Meetings | Alcoholics Anonymous Los Angeles Central Office Get help with drinking at over 3,000 meetings weekly. Load more. Portland. 11:00 PM. Event Recordings; Contact Us; Resources; Accessibility; Search for: Home. Home. District 31 Monthly Business Meeting. 413 East 79th Street. Alcoholics Resource Center Search. CITY OF LA PINE CITY COUNCIL . Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pine, Arizona. The Door. Oregon 97477-4772: SUNDAY: 5:00 PM: Narcotics Anonymous: THE PRIMARY PURPOSE MEETING: THE PRIMARY PURPOSE MEETING: 532 C Street Springfield, OR 97477:. May 9, 2023 at 4:45 PM - School Board Executive Session Meeting. Albany. 1344 Summit Avenue. Prospect Group. The closest AA meeting to you is 13. It can disrupt the overall wellbeing as well as productivity of an individual. Email Us; Staff Login; a municode design. Hour Of Power Group #662963. 1741 Newmark Avenue. All Local AA Meetings; In Person Meetings ONLY; Online Meetings ONLY; Add or Change a Meeting Listing; Events. Online 3807 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard. 1836 Union Avenue. La Pine Fire District Board Meeting . Last Call Gresham. 3. Whether you need residential options like sober living homes and halfway houses, or you want to join 12-step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, we can help you. Online 4524 North Lombard Street. Every Other Saturday Russel County Jail 30. Big Book. 9606 Tierra Grande St #204: MIRA MESA: Discussion, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open, Wheelchair Access, Young People: 9:00 pm : MISSION HILLS LATE NIGHT FRIDAYToday's AA Meetings. Please confirm your timezone or select a different time zone. 11:00 PM. Nite Owls Portland. Home. 07/21/2023 - 07/23/2023. Bliss for a Day. Sunday Serenity La Pine. Nite Owls Portland. North Bend. Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous Area 71 VAC Main Menu. Eastern Oregon District 29. Please consider donating as part of your 7th Tradition contribution. Online 3705 North Highway 97. A. The average yearly income for a La Pine resident is currently $18,000. 1111 Bain St SE. Regular City Council Meetings in are scheduled the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings. La Pine City Hall: 16345 Sixth Street, La Pine, Oregon 97739 The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. Gresham. Online 3807 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard. Prime Time Womens. A. Los Angeles. 2400 Butter Road. 2:00 PM. Glenolden. Schools Bend/La Pine School District La Pine High School Athletic Calendar Public Safety La Pine Rural Fire Protection District Deschutes County Sheriff's Office;. 4343 North Rancho Drive. God's Country Group. Regular City Council Meetings in are scheduled the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. O. Waterfalls. Taking part in an open AA California meeting can offer life changing inspiration to quit. Work Sessions will be scheduled as needed. Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate. 1115 28th Ave SW. A. Use the filter options to find upcoming meetings on specific days or types such as “Tuesday” "Big Book", "Speaker", or "Proof. Get help with drinking, resentments, anger, loneliness, fellowship, spirituality, relationships at over 1000 weekly meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in Los Angeles. O. 386 Southwest Scalehouse Court. 600 5th Street Northwest. 218 North Conyer Street. Back to Basics. Username or e-mail * You may login with either your assigned. Chadron AA Group No 1. For Help Finding Meetings Near You Please Call 866-351-4022? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our. 11:00 PM. Oregon AA Meetings; Portland AA Meetings; About AA. Vancouver. Prospect Group. 08/17/2023 - 3:30pm. Discussion AA meeting. 26. org544 Northeast 2nd Street. Open, Wheelchair Access. Little Rock. 529 NW 19th St. Agenda. Meeting Notes: Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. 921 Selby Avenue. Jude's Catholic Eugene, MONDAY: 8:00 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous: Physical Awakening: Physical. 27 miles away and meets on Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Bend. BIG PINE ROAD PRISON. Warm Springs Grp. Nite Owls Portland. 7:00 PM. Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate. Pine Grove Methodist Church. Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate. The closest AA meeting to you is 0. Meeting Group No. There are over 240,000 members who are willing to share their. Today's AA Meetings. SPEAK TO SOMEONE TODAY. Midnight Last Call Group. Meetings take place at City Hall, 16345 Sixth Street, La Pine, Oregon. Portland, OR 97232. 61215 Brosterhous Road: Bend: Big Book, Closed, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Women: Saturday 9:30 am: 11th Step Meditation/DiscussionLocation Day of the Week Timings Format; Riverview Life Center 245 Barclay Avenue Pine River, MN, 56474Attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings is a great way for people struggling with drinking issues to network with people aiming for the same goal – to reach and maintain sobriety. Lawrence County: District 19:. 11 STEP MEETING-- West LA: Virtual: asdfasdf14938: 7: Sunday: 08:15:00: 8:15AM: GROUNDED AT GRAND. 7:00 PM. Meetings take place at City Hall, 16345 Sixth Street, La Pine, Oregon. Meeting Directory; Adding a New Meeting/Changing a Meeting on the WebsiteAA Meeting Online: AA Meeting Online. Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate. There's a parking lot for day use along Newberry. Albany. GRUPO AL INTERIOR DE AA. 10 O Clock Meeting. 2 miles from the center of Pine Mountain, GA. 8:00 PM. Chadron. 8:00 PM. Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate. 52379. St Katharine of Siena Parish Hall 104 South Aberdeen Ave. Southern Pines Group. Experience Strength And Hope North Bend. Do you have new information about an AA. Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate. Chadron A. Get information about AA meeting locations in La Pine to find the most appropriate AA resources near you. By continuing, you accept the privacy policy. Intro to AA; FAQs; How AA is Organized; The 12 Steps of AA;. Find AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) Meetings Across the Nation. 389 SW Scalehouse Ct #120. resources below for a meeting list in that location and the surrounding area. CC DN Group Online 2nd Street. 660 (2) (f) and (2) (i). CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 5:30pm. We are pleased to be interfacing individuals with AA meetings across the nation. Women. Nite Owls Portland. 221 East Pine Avenue: Findlay 11:00 AM 11th Step Ann Arbor 11th Step Ann Arbor :. (Oregon does not have sales tax. Alcoholics Anonymous on the East Side of Lake Washington. 11:00 PM. SLED Meeting. Events; Member Services Menu Toggle. Distance: Grupo Fe Y Accion is 63. It holds regular meetings to help individuals and families in their fight against alcoholism. La Pine is a city in Deschutes County, Oregon, United States, incorporated on December 7, 2006. Online 16400 Bryant Road. TS. Friday. It is a worldwide community with members that come from all walks. m. Oregon. 11:00 PM. Find the nearest Alcoholics meetings near you! Here are the following Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at La Pine, Oregon. 76387 Crestview Street. Online 4524 North Lombard Street. Oakridge. 5. 8. Lake Oswego. O. 901 Haverford Avenue.